It's easy to procrastinate, isn't it? It is WAY more fun to sit on the couch, lounge around, play an online game, watch t.v..., than it is to actually get up and accomplish what you know you should. But, procrastination comes at a very high price. Peace of mind.
I have never been much of a procrastinator due to the very reason that it robs my peace of mind. I cannot while away hours doing nothing when I know there is much to do. It just isn't fun for me. I cannot be convinced to do nothing with a day unless I have accomplished those tasks that I know need to be done.
I'm not talking about housework (I can let dust rest better than most). I speak mainly here of aligning my life's tasks with what I know are the strongest, healthiest and smartest moves I can make. If I place those first, then when I do settle down, it is all the more sweeter.
I have found that the more I avoid what it is I know needs doing, the less peace I have. In fact, it is easier to get up and accomplish those tasks than it is to listen to my mind remind me every few minutes that I really should get up and do something. Compare it to when your dog keeps asking to go out and the more you avoid her, the more she gets up in your face until you can no longer ignore that the poor gal has to pee! (Don't judge me. It's usually 4 a.m.!)
If I did not listen to this inner voice I would be out of shape, disorganized and probably a lot less educated. I would live in a reclusive world, disconnected and alone. I would be hopelessly taunted by guilt pressing in on every side nudging me to move it or lose it. I really believe it is easier to get up and go to stay strong, healthy and active, than it is to live in the doldrums of weakness and inactivity. (possibly resulting in illness or disease).
This is not just about lifestyle. It's about knowing that it's harder in the longer run to ignore yourself and those tasks that need your attention, than it is to actually attend to them. It's ultimately more pleasant and I assure you, better for you.
Take Good Care Today.
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