Ego. I read about ego. I listen to audio books that teach about ego. I know ego is something I want to diminish so that I can live free and serve the world with all I have. I don't mean self-esteem when I say ego...I mean that side of ego that looks for approval, that needs to fit in, that cares what others think. Drop that what you can. Educate yourself about what that part of your ego is...and then put into practice all that you learn.
You see, just because I am aware of my ego and it's endless picking at me, I don't seem to ever have the stamina to keep it at bay long term. I think this might be because I am tired, too busy and I don't pay attention. All of these reasons keep me in constant turmoil and pain. If I would do the work, apply the knowledge, I would live a freer life, and the same goes for you.
People give me advice all the time about how to live a freer life, one that has less ego. I hear it. I listen. I even try to apply other's ideas to my life. But, somehow, emotion takes over. I have lived on emotion a good deal of my life and (okay, all of it) and it is hard to let that go. I am emotional. This is both my strong point and my weak point.
My mom and I were discussing this last week. She listened to what I had to say and then told me she was the same exact way. I knew this already. I also know my daughter is the same way I am. The three of us are passionate, emotional people. My mother is THE most compassionate person in the world. She is sweet and patient. Kind and calm. If you ever need a person to comfort you, it is she. My daughter is a whirling dervish of talent. She is an actress, a dancer, a singer and quite funny. She is a performer. I am a combination of both. I am very compassionate and loving, and I am a performer. Emotion is strong in we three.
But, it is to our detriment as well. We are so emotional that we end up fighting it because it can be embarrassing. For me, it is so embarrassing that I berate myself and fight myself and wish I could be different. This is where ego comes in.
If I deny my ego the voice and power to put myself down and just be myself....emotion and all....what harm would there be in that? No judgment. Just life. What do you think? Would this work? Would it work for you as well?
Take Good Care Today.
It seems there is always a flip side to every quality in our character. Emotional people are basically unfiltered brew. There is a down side and a up side to being and showing our emotions. When we express our emotions we are showing the world our response to life both inner and outer. This can connect us to others in a very real and tangible way. We show our humanness both beautiful and ugly. We expose ourselves and we can feel vulnerable in doing so. I enjoy people who are emotional and transparent and would like to think that I can accept them for whatever they show to me, both good and bad.