But, I am never really alone. I have these two huge dogs who are constant companions. I have never lived without a dog, at least intentionally, or for long. There have been times between deaths of animals that I have been without a canine, but truly not for long. You see, I need the companionship. I love knowing someone else is around to just 'be' with me. I hear their breathing while I write this now. It calms me and comforts me. I could not live without companionship. I do not want to.
Yes, animals are hard work. Yes, they ruin things and make your house a little dustier (a lot), and hairier. They steal your cookie or puke in the middle of the night, but I don't care. I love them. I need them.
It isn't loneliness, per se, that brings me to owning an animal, and yet perhaps it is. I LIKE to be alone, I enjoy it. But, it isn't human companionship that I always need. I love people and need, want to be around them, but there are times I've had enough of people. I need myself, alone, with my dogs.
It is my happy place.
How about you? Do you have things that bring you that inner comfort? If you haven't tried owning a pet, I suggest you give it a shot for there is nothing like it. A spotless home, though I admire one, doesn't compare to the love of an animal...
Take Good Care Today.
Yes, those critters are a comfort.