Follow Me Then Fly Begins!

Here we go! A blog for my women who struggle with being and living their best selves. Let this blog be to strengthen your wisdom and vitality for life and thus your physical person. May it be a resource of encouragement to you and a place of comfort and new strategies. My desire for Follow Me Then Fly is for women who need a companion to find an understanding home here. I hope my wisdom and my words will point you to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and aid you in your walk to be your unique and optimal selves, living fully for Him. I do not claim to be anything other than I am: a Christian, a woman, a teacher, a leader. I've learned a few things along the way and have some knowledge to share. What I share with you is from my life's learnings and from my heart. Welcome.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dress (FOR) Yourself

Anyone who personally knows me knows that I am the Guru of Wardrobe. I don't know why or how this happened to me. I developed this partially because I love beautiful things and partically because I love to feel beauty. When I was in high school I fought to not conform to the style that others wore. I like something different and always have.
I was terribly poor as a child and had very little. When I was 16, I worked professionally in a summer stock theater company and traveled a lot. Our troupe would pull into a new town on tour and I'd search for a second hand store. I usually found one. One day I found one that was hosting a .10 sale which went perfectly with my $12 budget. I knew I would be starting my senior year of high school and I needed clothes! I spend the entire $12 at the store! Indeed, I had a new wardrobe. (I think there were a pair of shoes in there that cost a little more...) This experience may have birthed my love of putting together a gorgeous wardrobe frugally.
I love very nice clothes that are well made, classic and not too flashy (except for fur, I love fur). I don't like a lot of print or bright colors. I like my clothes to last and to hold their value. However, I am rarely willing to pay the full prices of expensive companies. I think these places just want you to pay for their names, even if they make quality, classic clothes. These ideas  have worked well for me over the years and I am happy to share them! So, here are my hints for shopping for amazing pieces:
~Shop second hand stores fairly regularly and don't pass up on a good piece even if it is expensive for the is probably way cheaper than new
~know which brands are well made
~know what colors look great on you (I will talk more about this in a later post)
~Shop clearance racks
~Attend clothing swaps
~Ebay! (new or nearly new clothes can be bought for a fraction of the original cost)
~Know your style
~Know what looks good on you
~Don't be afraid to experiment with alterations
~Outlet shop (costs more, but still much less)
~Watch for online sales that offer free shipping in conjunction with a sale

If you have an aversion to wearing second hand clothing and you realize that once something is washed in very hot water and dried in a dryer nothing could possibly live on it, stick to sale racks or places like TJMAXX, Marshalls or outlet stores.
Recently, I've had a ball shopping for 'New with Tags' clothing on Ebay. I can sit in my comfy clothes and peruse online and later get something in the mail to open! I search for a specific women's clothing company and indicate my size-voila! – I find very nice, discounted clothing.
Everywhere and anywhere I go, I am told that I look stylish and fabulous. I treat my wardrobe as an extension of myself. It reflects my personality. I am the word 'diva' incarnate. I love to look a little flashy and expensive and I don't mind telling people that the look is seriously not expensive. I just get a thrill from it. You may not be this way, but if you are NOT dressing FOR yourself, I encourage you to do so. Think about what you around at different places...locate items and enjoy! Nothing makes you feel better than looking great.
NOTE on sizing. DO NOT worry so much about size. It is a number on the tag and it varies so much between companies. I can wear anything from a four to a ten. Just try things on! If you are looking online, you kind of have to know the brand and how they size. Some stores run larger and some smaller. Don't worry about the number though. It is NEVER you who doesn't fit, it is the clothing that doesn't fit you. You are perfect the way you are.
This is a HUGE subject, so I will write about it again at a later date. Just begin to think about what kinds of clothing make you feel wonderful and initiate the beginnings a new wardrobe. You should look forward to stepping into your clothes and out into life dressed as your true self.

Take Good Care Today.

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