Follow Me Then Fly Begins!

Here we go! A blog for my women who struggle with being and living their best selves. Let this blog be to strengthen your wisdom and vitality for life and thus your physical person. May it be a resource of encouragement to you and a place of comfort and new strategies. My desire for Follow Me Then Fly is for women who need a companion to find an understanding home here. I hope my wisdom and my words will point you to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and aid you in your walk to be your unique and optimal selves, living fully for Him. I do not claim to be anything other than I am: a Christian, a woman, a teacher, a leader. I've learned a few things along the way and have some knowledge to share. What I share with you is from my life's learnings and from my heart. Welcome.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday is the New Friday

If you have heard this statement at your workplace, you should know, I'm the one who invented it.  I came up with it because I am always looking for a way to get through the week, the day, the minute, the hour.  This originated from my years of battling anxiety.  In order to assuage my panic, I would imagine something better!  I would imagine the comfort of my home, the couch, the dogs, the kids, watching a movie-anything.  I do this now, less for my anxiety, but more because I just like it!

I love evenings and weekends.  It is not that I don't love my job.  I totally do.  But, who doesn't love evenings and weekends?  No one is telling you what to do, you don't have to 'work' for someone else. You get to be on 'your own time' doing 'your own thing'--even if that thing is is yours and yours alone!

Thus came my saying, "Thursday is the new Friday."  I've been known to go into Wednesday sometimes and claim that, "Wednesday is the new Thursday,"  but I don't get as many happy looks on this one.  I think people's side glances mean that they aren't quite sure what planet I'm from.  If Thursday is the new Friday, then Thursday is totally awesome and Friday rocks the world!  We all know Saturday is the creme de la creme of days!  It is now only Sunday we have to be VERY careful with.  If you get into this ANTICIPATE-THE-NEXT-DAY are now on dangerous ground.  Monday, with all its headaches, lurks like a storm cloud.  One has to be very, very trepidatious with Sunday.  Do not think too much on Sunday.

Here's a thought:  I work with a woman who LOVES LOVES LOVES Mondays.  She says she enjoys the fact that they are fresh and new and you have the whole week laid out before you!  I like that !  I have started to appreciate Mondays more since she told me this.  I see her on Mondays and I try to suck energy from her.  It works!  But, to be honest, on Monday, I am looking forward to Monday evening most of all.

These little tricks are good for us.  There is nothing wrong with talking up something in your brain to encourage yourself.  It is healthy to speak encouraging words to yourself.  If it helps you get excited about an event or calms your heart down, please use your inner voice to care for yourself.

I think you'll enjoy each day more and thank yourself for it!

Take Good Care Today!

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