Follow Me Then Fly Begins!

Here we go! A blog for my women who struggle with being and living their best selves. Let this blog be to strengthen your wisdom and vitality for life and thus your physical person. May it be a resource of encouragement to you and a place of comfort and new strategies. My desire for Follow Me Then Fly is for women who need a companion to find an understanding home here. I hope my wisdom and my words will point you to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and aid you in your walk to be your unique and optimal selves, living fully for Him. I do not claim to be anything other than I am: a Christian, a woman, a teacher, a leader. I've learned a few things along the way and have some knowledge to share. What I share with you is from my life's learnings and from my heart. Welcome.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Accept Your Uniqueness

First of all, there is no normal.  There is no average.  I mean, yes, there are normal levels of cholesterol, and average blood pressure rates, but a 'normal' personality?  No.  We are all given a different one.  We are born with a certain way that we are going to be and then it is altered by the events and situations of our lives.  We control some of how our personality develops, but not all.  We are who we are.  

One thing that is interesting is that once we become aware enough to realize there might be a part of our personalities we don't care for, it can be very hard to change.  We all have quirks about ourselves that we wish we could push into a different direction, and this CAN happen, but it isn't always easy.  We meet people now and again who have traits that we admire.  We wish we could be like them in one way or another.  For me, this seems to take a LONG time.  I see that woman I want to be in my head and she is closer to me than she used to be.  Oh, she used to be a LONG way in the distance.  But, now, she's around the corner.  It's almost as if the closer to living my full life out, the closer I get to being that woman.

  I am more accepting of myself than ever before.  I've lowered my perfectionistic standards some so that I am able to actually BE a human woman.  I knew a woman once who always told me to shoot for 80% in everything.  Of course, I thought she was nuts because I was a 110% person!  But, I get it now.  For example, instead of running 6 miles a day, I can run 3 miles a few times a week.  I mean, really.

 The older we get, the wiser, the calmer, the truer to ourselves.  I love this. Yes, I still pick on myself, I still want to change aspects of my personality.  I still don't love that I get too silly when I should be serious, or that I jump into things without fully knowing all the details.  I hate that I can get upset and have my buttons pushed.  AND...that I am so self-critical.  But, all of these are being worked on.  I will get there.  I will settle into that woman.  I am accepting her now.

Accept who you are and work on YOU.  But....don't be discontent.  

Take Good Care Today.

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