Follow Me Then Fly Begins!

Here we go! A blog for my women who struggle with being and living their best selves. Let this blog be to strengthen your wisdom and vitality for life and thus your physical person. May it be a resource of encouragement to you and a place of comfort and new strategies. My desire for Follow Me Then Fly is for women who need a companion to find an understanding home here. I hope my wisdom and my words will point you to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and aid you in your walk to be your unique and optimal selves, living fully for Him. I do not claim to be anything other than I am: a Christian, a woman, a teacher, a leader. I've learned a few things along the way and have some knowledge to share. What I share with you is from my life's learnings and from my heart. Welcome.

Monday, April 6, 2015

There is Good in the Universe

If you believe that everything is working for your good in the universe, I truly believe that it is. However, I also believe that what we put into this world via our intentions and our actions, will come back to us and we will be rewarded with inner richness and a calm serenity.

We all have bad days, or a series of bad days. We have issues that cling to us, pains that won't leave us, problems that present themselves in the most inopportune times. But, our attitudes go a long way in helping us live the brightest lives. We are given full lives to live and one aspect of keeping the goodness returning to our hearts is to keep our eyes on the universe above.

Years ago I used to climb this mountain to our 'camp'. The building had long deteriorated, but the mountain it resided upon had a panoramic view. Somehow, whenever I was up there, I felt that my life was good and that everything would work out for the best. It did not matter what troubles I was facing, once I climbed that mountain and looked upon the vastness of the horizon and sky above, I knew all would be well.

Ladies, it is easy to get caught up in the worries of life, but keep your eyes on the horizon! Look out and know that all is working for your good. Continue to push those positive energy thoughts, prayers and affirmations out into the universe and the very same positivity will return to you. You cannot always see yourself through the tough times you are in, but you must hold on and have faith. Each tough time in your life will come to an end. I promise. The sun will ALWAYS come out tomorrow....

Never lose hope in the richness and power of what lies beyond you. Good is working in your life …. for you.

Take Good Care Today.

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