Integrity. Ah integrity. Have you seen any lately? Not everyone you encounter possesses it. Many have no clue what it means. Others find no value for it.
Integrity means not always saying what you know others want to hear. It might mean speaking your honest mind in a situation that might cause you immediate discomfort. However, you can never go wrong with it. It will seem like you have, but I believe the universe rewards those with integrity, if not immediately, then eventually.
My son was telling me today that he had a job interview and the word 'integrity' was written on the wall. He said he answered a question honestly but that it may have cost him the job. Yes, he could have given the pat answer, but he chose not to. He saw the word 'integrity' on the wall, and it reminded him to be honest and up front. So, he was. His honest answer was one that may prove to not be what they were looking for in their candidate. But, he did what he felt he had to do.
The Toltec Religion is one I enjoy reading about. In this religion, there are agreements. One of the agreements is that we are 'impeccable with our word'. This may seem like an easy feat, but it is truly difficult. We don't realize how often we may sway facts or twist truths. To be 'impeccably full of integrity', one really needs to THINK before one speaks. That, my friend, is not as commonly done as one would hope.
Think about being impeccable with integrity. Consider always speaking what your honest heart is holding. It proves averse to your internal growth to do otherwise. We want others to treat us with integrity, therefore, there is no reason why we should not as well. I believe all good is rewarded and speaking your heart with integrity, hopefully will result in good for you. I have to hang on to the thought that it does and it will.
Take Good Care Today!
Speaking and living with integrity can be challenging especially when you are feeling tired and run down. I know I have to be especially thoughtful before I act especially when I am feeling run down.