Follow Me Then Fly Begins!
Here we go! A blog for my women who struggle with being and living their best selves. Let this blog be to strengthen your wisdom and vitality for life and thus your physical person. May it be a resource of encouragement to you and a place of comfort and new strategies. My desire for Follow Me Then Fly is for women who need a companion to find an understanding home here. I hope my wisdom and my words will point you to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and aid you in your walk to be your unique and optimal selves, living fully for Him. I do not claim to be anything other than I am: a Christian, a woman, a teacher, a leader. I've learned a few things along the way and have some knowledge to share. What I share with you is from my life's learnings and from my heart. Welcome.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Time Spent.
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Fire in the Middle of the Family
Thursday, June 25, 2015
It's None of Your Business
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Swear Not By the Moon
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
You Create Your Own Reality
Thursday, June 11, 2015
It's The Little Things
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Get Out of Your Head!
Ego. I read about ego. I listen to audio books that teach about ego. I know ego is something I want to diminish so that I can live free and serve the world with all I have. I don't mean self-esteem when I say ego...I mean that side of ego that looks for approval, that needs to fit in, that cares what others think. Drop that what you can. Educate yourself about what that part of your ego is...and then put into practice all that you learn.
You see, just because I am aware of my ego and it's endless picking at me, I don't seem to ever have the stamina to keep it at bay long term. I think this might be because I am tired, too busy and I don't pay attention. All of these reasons keep me in constant turmoil and pain. If I would do the work, apply the knowledge, I would live a freer life, and the same goes for you.
People give me advice all the time about how to live a freer life, one that has less ego. I hear it. I listen. I even try to apply other's ideas to my life. But, somehow, emotion takes over. I have lived on emotion a good deal of my life and (okay, all of it) and it is hard to let that go. I am emotional. This is both my strong point and my weak point.
My mom and I were discussing this last week. She listened to what I had to say and then told me she was the same exact way. I knew this already. I also know my daughter is the same way I am. The three of us are passionate, emotional people. My mother is THE most compassionate person in the world. She is sweet and patient. Kind and calm. If you ever need a person to comfort you, it is she. My daughter is a whirling dervish of talent. She is an actress, a dancer, a singer and quite funny. She is a performer. I am a combination of both. I am very compassionate and loving, and I am a performer. Emotion is strong in we three.
But, it is to our detriment as well. We are so emotional that we end up fighting it because it can be embarrassing. For me, it is so embarrassing that I berate myself and fight myself and wish I could be different. This is where ego comes in.
If I deny my ego the voice and power to put myself down and just be myself....emotion and all....what harm would there be in that? No judgment. Just life. What do you think? Would this work? Would it work for you as well?
Take Good Care Today.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Demands of Life
We, as a society, work too much. We just do. We work 5 days a week, quite often overtime. We are pushed and pulled and maxed out. All my life, I have never felt like I could keep up with a 5 day work week. It has always stressed my body out. It is no wonder that people struggle so much with issues like sleeping well, or keeping fit. There is no time. How can you eat right when you have no time to shop or prepare? How can you get enough sleep if you have to tend to house cleaning or finally have two seconds to read at the end of the day? We simply push ourselves too hard.
When the days get longer in the summer, I like to try to experience all I can of the daylight. We get so little of it in the winter. It thrills my soul to be outside, to be in the air and the light. I want all I can get. But, even that is tiring after a long day of work. I am a firm believer that we need to take our work very seriously and give it all we have-- but then we must leave it be.
People are asked to give too much to their work. I don't know if employers are trying to get more for their money; I am not sure. I don't like to be asked to work for free. I don't think it is fair. I have put myself through 8 years of college and it cost me a lot of money. Is it fair to use my expertise for free? I think not. Not for me, and not for you. If you want me, pay for me. That's fair, isn't it? Do I sound pompous for asking that? I think not. I am only one person, I can't be spread so thin for nothing!
We need to pick and choose what saps our energies because things WILL steal from us and then we are left with nothing for ourselves. That is no way to live. Be very careful where you give your time and energy...because there is only so much to go around...and it isn't right that you are left with none for yourself.
Take Good Care Today.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Home Alone
But, I am never really alone. I have these two huge dogs who are constant companions. I have never lived without a dog, at least intentionally, or for long. There have been times between deaths of animals that I have been without a canine, but truly not for long. You see, I need the companionship. I love knowing someone else is around to just 'be' with me. I hear their breathing while I write this now. It calms me and comforts me. I could not live without companionship. I do not want to.
Yes, animals are hard work. Yes, they ruin things and make your house a little dustier (a lot), and hairier. They steal your cookie or puke in the middle of the night, but I don't care. I love them. I need them.
It isn't loneliness, per se, that brings me to owning an animal, and yet perhaps it is. I LIKE to be alone, I enjoy it. But, it isn't human companionship that I always need. I love people and need, want to be around them, but there are times I've had enough of people. I need myself, alone, with my dogs.
It is my happy place.
How about you? Do you have things that bring you that inner comfort? If you haven't tried owning a pet, I suggest you give it a shot for there is nothing like it. A spotless home, though I admire one, doesn't compare to the love of an animal...
Take Good Care Today.
Friday, June 5, 2015
No Pain No Gain
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Be The Ball
Sometimes it is not physical situations that need to change, but our insides. We don't know how to get to that 'person' we see in our minds that we want to be. There is a woman there, ahead of us, we see her, we notice what she's wearing, we like her hair, her posture, her words. We know she is us. I know she is me. But, I can't always reach her. I get close. There are moments in some days when I am almost her. But, I can not say I have ever reached her fully. Why is she so hard to reach? Why can't I get there? Why am I not her?
The truth is. if we want to be that woman we know we are capable of being, we must envision her and then simply 'be her'. We must, 'be the ball'. We must keep our eyes on her and our mouths must be under her control. Our every move must be focused. We must first think before we act so that we can train ourselves to be the ball. We must pretend we are the ball until we fully are the ball. Keeping our eyes on the ball will help us become one with it.
This metaphor is a good connection to make when you are feeling like that woman you so desire to be is soooooo far away and you don't know how she got there. There are times we feel like we've lost her altogether. She's still there, and we have to bring her back to light and then focus very hard on her. She will, one day, become so much a part of us that, 'she is us'. But, it takes focus and it takes practice. We must continue to work on being the ball until we master it.
Take Good Care Today.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Find Your Center
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
When the Rains Come
There is the physical side of raininess which affects us. It has a very strong pull. We easily feel the weight of clouds and pressure. The darkness messes with our natural rhythms. We are easily tired, down or weary.
Then there is the emotional side of the raininess. The dreariness can make us feel forlorn and sad. It can take simple problems and magnify them. There is a heaviness on our hearts when it rains. If you don't believe me or feel it for yourself, watch a group of people when the sun finally comes out after a few days of rain. You will see a lightness appear on each face and a collective mood swing to a higher point.
I think that if we try really hard, we can take the rainiess and dreariness and throw them aside. It does take work. Sometimes turning more lights on helps me. Sometimes getting some exercise, even in the rain, can be beneficial. We can do some healthy self-talk and remind ourselves that what we are feeling may just be the weather's influence. You also can force a smile on your face and see what happens. Flowers are nice to have around, or at least pictures of flowers. Happy foods can lift your mood, too. Try eating some fresh and bright foods. Listen to uplifting music. You CAN have an affect on yourself.
Rains will come. Whether the weather brings them or life itself gets wet and muddy. Try to lift your face to the heavens and instead of hating the rains, embrace them. If you can't do that, then fight them with all your might and push through.
You can find the sunshine if you try hard enough.
Take Good Care Today.
Monday, June 1, 2015
When We Know Better, We Do Better
This is a scary situation, especially when a person gets to be middle aged. It should be high time that that person has reevaluated some of the their beliefs and changed their thinking and speech. We should be constantly learning about life and learning how to be better people. If we find that we have the same small and confined thoughts as we've always had, it might be time to do some intense pondering.
Over the years, I have been in contact with plenty of people who seem small inside of themselves. They express fears and opinions that are reminiscent of a very underdeveloped mind. When I hear someone I know well express the same words they've said for years, I wonder if they ever really think about things in a deep way. I hate to see people not learn from their years on earth. It is time to change our thoughts and ourselves.
Challenge the words that come out of your mouth. Think deeply about your opinions on certain subjects. How do you really feel and think? What can you do to educate yourself more on a subject? Consider that person that you've been judging one way all these years and think about life from their vantage point. Try to understand situations in a new way. Press yourself to change it up. You may find that you need to do this. You can't possibly have the same opinions you had in your 20's and 30's and even 40's.
Sometimes I've thought of something a certain way with definitive parameters and I find out I've been wrongly thinking (or shallow) for years! What a sad situation. Look inside yourself and see what needs to be rethought! Then live your life better!
Take Good Care Today!